Sunday, March 21, 2010

Have you missed me?

Hey, Blog World! Didja miss me?

I am so very sorry that I haven't been updating. Life just got busy, and I have no other excuse than that. As a quick update:

My brother, and his wife Mandy are expecting their first baby! My little niece is due to arrive in June! Everyone is so excited, as she will be the first baby in our family. I cannot wait to meet her!

Also keeping me busy is my new job - as of January 1st, I was promoted to Assistant Project Manager, and my responsibilities have been keeping me VERY busy. I have no time to blog anymore! LOL. I usually did my blogging first thing in the morning, before things got too crazy at work, but now, things are crazy before I even get to my desk. Its good, though - I prefer to be busy over bored, and I was definitely bored with my old position.

On the home front, I've done a couple minor projects. We installed a built-in desk in our library and placed a stationery laptop there. Its quite useful, as we use it to pay our bills, and its especially convenient for guests who want to use the internet. I also FINALLY painted our master bathroom, something I've been wanting to do for 3 years. We were holding out to do a full remodel, but I simply could not stand to look at the hideous navy blue wall any longer. I will try to do a post for each project soon with pics.

Lastly, I decided to put The Things Girls Love on an indefinite hiatus, and begin posting all of my book reviews here. You may notice I've already posted one!

Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for sticking around while I disappeared on you, and also to those of you who checked in on me. Happy Spring!

The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold - Book Review

The Almost Moon The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
This book grips you at the beginning, and you have to know: how could a woman murder her own mother? But the back story was weak, and the ending was terrible. I loved The Lovely Bones, and expected more out of this. But all I found it to be was disturbing.

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