Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas Decorations

So I'm putting up my Christmas decorations this weekend. I just can't wait another week! I usually wait until after Thanksgiving, but I'm too impatient. I want them up NOW.

Going shopping this afternoon for some gifts. I love this time of year, because I get to shop without feeling guilty - on the contrary, I feel GOOD about it. :)

Who has gmail? I love gmail, and for some reason I like it when the person I am emailing also has gmail. Maybe because if we get online at the same time, we can chat instead of emailing. Anyway, if you have gmail, let me know. (If I don't already know, of course).

Have a great weekend everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Even though, we don't celebrate Turkey Day here, I always wait until after it to put up the tree. However, Little La was harassing me, so I put up the Christmas Tree and decorations today.
