Connor Joseph Brim was born about 9:30 pm last night (July 24th), weighing in at 4 lbs. 8 oz and 18 3/4" long. He had a full head of blonde hair, and scored two 9's on the Apgar scale. As I mentioned yesterday, we had made plans to go visit Eric & Shannon this weekend. We will now be visiting Eric, Shannon and Connor! I'm so happy for them, and cannot believe they have a baby now. I can't wait to meet him.
I'm leaving work a little early today, as I got here about 15 minutes early, and heading home to finish getting things ready for Rodger, Sam and Brayden. It's going to be a baby-filled weekend! I'm quite excited to see Brayden as well, as it will be our first time meeting him. From what I hear, he's a happy little baby.
Day 7 - San FranciscoWe had a lot planned for our 1 full day in San Francisco, so we woke up early and met downstairs in the lobby about 7:30. Our hotel was on Lombard Street, about a 20 minute walk to the

Fisherman's Wharf, so we headed that way. We got down there so early that there was no line for the Cable Car ride up to Union Square. So that's just what we did - we got great seats on the outside and took some fun pictures. I think this was my favorite thing about San Francisco - I loved the cable car ride! It was so fun going up and down those steep hills, and we got some great pictures.
Once in Union Square, we decided to find something to eat for breakfast - we ended up at another Mel's Diner. Scott and I both had waffles. After breakfast, we went to the Williams Sonoma Flagship store in Union Square - it was awesome! It's 4 stories and has everything you could imagine. We left there and started walking toward Market Street. On the way, we stopped at the Coach store and my mom got herself a Coach bag - I'm quite jealous, as I do not have one yet. The one I wanted was over $300, so I decided to pass on that. We walked down to Market street, then down to the Ferry Building. That's a neat place with all these unique shops and food

places. We caught the Market Car back to Pier 39 at the Fisherman's Wharf. We stayed there for several hours just souvenier shopping, eating lunch, etc. Our next stop was the USS Pampanito, which is a military submarine that you can tour. My brother loves that kind of thing, so Scott and I took the tour with him. It was pretty cool, but I could definitely not live on a submarine. My goodness. We stopped in to the Boudin Bakery before heading back to our hotel to get the van.
We d

ecided to drive up to the "crookedest street in the world", which was maybe a mile or so from the hotel on Lombard Street. That was pretty scary driving through there! It's really neat

looking though. After leaving there, we went to Telegraph Hill to the Coit Tower. This is one of the highest (if not THE highest) point in San Francisco, so we got awesome pictures from there of the city. As we were leaving, the sun was setting and Rory took a great picture of us with the Golden Gate bridge in the background as the sun was going down.
We left Telegraph Hill and found the place where Monk walks across the street in the opening credits of the show. Then we drove through Haigh-Ashbury, where

we passed a greatly-named Thai restaurant, before heading to Joe's Cable Car Restaurant for dinner. This place was featured on the Food Network tv show "Drive-Ins, Diners and Dives". The place had so many neon lights! It was really cool, and the burgers were good too. I had a country burger, which was sort of like a western.
After leaving the restaurant, we went back up to Telegraph Hill to get a picture of the city at nighttime, but it didn't turn out that great. It was such a fun day, we really had a great time. San Francisco had so much character, it was certainly one of my favorite places.
I really thought that was a good photo of Lombard street. I am sure you will have a great time this weekend. Where does Eric and Shannon live? I am glad their baby is ok.